How e-learning can turn your training into a scalable business

Training customers on how to use your products might seem like a necessary evil. With the help of e-learning, it can not just become much more comfortable but also bring you some considerable revenue.

You might know the problem. You or one of your teammates has to hold yet another classroom seminar. One of your customers needs to be trained on how to use your products.

Classroom seminars can be not only time-consuming but also quickly get pretty dull. After all, you probably have better things to do than to go through the slides explaining the core functionality of one of your products for the one-hundredth time. And you don’t just lose a lot of time holding the seminar, but at least as much organizing and preparing it.

Saving time and nerves with online training

E-learning can help. Instead of repeating the same content over and over, let your customers discover it themselves when it suits them best by providing them the content online.

And not only that, with the help of e-learning, you can turn your training into a scalable business, just like the software robot company Digital Workforce did. With the help of LearnGrape’s e-learning experts, a new online academy was set up. The courses were developed out of existing classroom training and transformed into goal-orientated online courses.

Online training as a scalable business

By switching to online training, Digital Workforce was suddenly able to train its customers around the world around the clock. Course participants are now able to take the software robot training at their own time and pace, replay videos, go through modules as often as they like, or skip some already known information.

Digital Workforce Academy in numbers

online courses ongoing per month

courses delivered

training modules

Within just four months, the Digital Workforce Academy was already running over one hundred active online courses. Co-founder and partner Mika Vainio-Mattila is pretty impressed by the result: “Our new Digital Workforce Academy quickly turned into a self-sufficient business product. Customer feedback is also through and through positive.” And after the initial setup, the platform and courses can now be maintained by just a handful of people. The training department had transformed from a supporting function into a revenue generator.

E-learning as a marketing tool

And even more than that, the courses could now also be used as a sales and marketing tool to convince potential customers of the power and benefits of using software robots to automate repetitive tasks, leading to more sales for Digital Workforce primary services.

If you run training for your customers as well, you should certainly consider transforming your courses into a real asset for your company.

Don’t hesitate and contact us to uncover the hidden opportunities of your training with our business, marketing, and education experts at LearnGrape.

Ansgar Frankenberg

Ansgar Frankenberg


Ansgar is a true e-learning enthusiast and a content creating machine.

His work with EdTech startups and his background in teaching, both offline and online, have made him an expert on e-learning from both a business and a pedagogical side.

Want to discuss e-learning? Drop me a line at